In this article we will go over how a customer will upload a credit card to their CRM file.
To learn how to send a customer a link to upload their credit card please see this link:
How To Request A Customer To Store A Credit Card On File
Here is a video that will show you how a customer uploads their credit card to their CRM file.
Here are step by step instructions on how a customer uploads their credit card to their CRM file.
1 - Send the customer a link to upload their credit card (article below on how to send)
2 - The customer will a receive the email to upload their card
3 - The customer will click on the Add Credit Card link
4 - Once they click on the link a separate page will appear with their name
5 - The customer will click on the tab called Add a Credit Card
6 - A new page will appear for the customer to enter in their Credit Card information
7 - Once the customer has uploaded their card the CaterZen account will receive an email letting them know the card was upload
8 - The card will also appear in their CRM tab
You have now learned how a customer can upload their Credit Card to their CRM file.