In this article we will go over the Catering Label Printer.   These labels are great for prep items for caterings, box lunches, to-go meals, side items, etc.   Anything can be printed.

Please note that you will need to purchase a printer from Prosys.   Here is the article that will tell you how to purchase the printer:

Here is a video with step by step instructions on how to turn on the Catering Label Printer:

Here are step by step instructions on how to turn on the Catering Label Printer:

1 - Click the Admin tab

2 - Under the Global Settings section - click the Star Printers bubble - click the Printer link

3 - The printers that you have connected will appear.   You need to make sure that the printer is labeled as a Label for the Printer Type.

4 - Go back to the Admin tab

5 - Under the Global Settings section - click the Star Printers bubble - click the Layout link this time

6 - Any existing Layouts will appear

7 - Click on the Create New Blank Layout tab

8 - Give the Label a Name under the Layout Name

9 - Format dropdown box you will choose Label.

10 - Fields:   These are all the fields that can appear on the label.   Note you can drag and move the fields by using the 2 arrow icon

11 - Shown:   Check this box off if you want the field to appear in the label

12 - Include Label:  This is if you want the field name to appear.   *Note if you check this box off then you do not have option to choose the Alignment. 

13 - Bold:  If you want the field to be Bold check this box off.

14 - Underline:  If you want the field to be Underline check this box off. 

15 - Upperline:  If you want the field to be Upperline check this box off. 

16 - Size:   You can choose the font size of the field 1, 2, 3

17 - Align:  You can choose if you want the field to align, Left, Right, Center.

You have now created a Label for printing.   Note you can Edit, Clone or Delete the label once created.


19 - Click on the More tab - Reports link

20 - Click the Tablet Production Report tab

21 - Choose your Date that you want to print labels for 

22 - Under the Report Format section choose the Items Only

23 - Click on the Show Report tab

24 - Your orders for the day will appear - Click the Order that you want to Print a label for.

25 - You will see a tab called Label to the side of each Menu Item, Option Choice, Topping, or Extra

26 - Depending on what you want to print you will click on the tab called Label

27 - If you want to adjust the name you can click inside the box and change the name.

28 - You can choose to turn on or off the Special Instructions box

29 - Choose which Label you want to print under Formats

30 - You can choose to print or include the Modifiers

31 - You can also choose which Modifiers to include

32 - You can choose the Quantity of Labels you want printed.  It will default to the quantity that was chosen.   Or you can choose 1 or click the Other box and type in your own number to print.

33 - Then click Print

34 - If you just want to print your Modifier you can check that Label box

35 - Here are 3 examples of Labels that we have printed:

Here is an example of a label at the kitchen station to be prepped.

Here is an example of a label with the food

36 - Please note that when the label prints off the printer it will already be sticky.   There is nothing to pull off of the label.

You have now learned how to Print Catering Labels for any part of your CaterZen software.