This article will go over how to connect your Receipt Printer so that you can print out Sales Receipt. This will allow you to automatically print orders that come in and it will allow you to print on demand.
We are integrated with the Star TSP650-654II - cloud base printer. To purchase a printer you can send an email to [email protected].
Once Prosys receives the email, Prosys will reach out to you to provide you with the login credentials.
If you are interested in purchasing a printer Prosys will need the need the CloudPRNT settings before you receive your printer. If you scroll down to steps 1-4 you will learn how to obtain your CloudPRNT settings. You can ask our support team to send this information or you can obtain the information yourself.
Once the you receive your printer, the Username and Password under the cloudprint settings are what is used to connect the printer to their website.
Receipt Printer: TSP650 654IICouldPrnt 24 - Part #: 37966000 in grey ($338)
Receipt Printer: TSP650 654IICloudPrnt 24 - Part #: 37966010 in white ($338)
Label Printer: TSP 654IICloudPrnt-24 SK - Part #: 37967780 in grey ($419)
Star Labels
Star Thermal Paper
Please note that there is a 30 day return policy on the printers if you decide they do not work for your needs.
Here is a video on how to set your Receipt Printer.
Here are step by step instructions on how to set up your Kitchen Printer.
1 - Click on the Admin tab
2 - Under the Global Setting section click on the Receipt Printer bubble and then the Receipt Printers link
3 - Next click on the Register New Printer tab. Note the top information will automatically appear. Note that Prosys will need the CloudPRNT settings before you receive your printer. You can ask our support team to send this information or you can obtain the information yourself.
4 - Printer Name - give the printer a name
5 - Automatically Print Receipts for the Orders At - if you have more then one location you can choose which location you want the printer to work at.
6 - Print Format - choose which format you want the printer to print. Note this feature may be blank. If so please see the article on Creating/ Editing Sales Receipts.
7 - Click Save when done
8 - Once you have registered your printer it will now show under Receipt Printers.
You have now learned how to connect your printer.