In this article we will be going over to how schedule a reoccurring order for your customer.   You can schedule the order to occur - daily, weekly, monthly or even customize it.

Here is a video that will show you how to schedule a reoccurring order.

Here are step by step instructions on how to configure the reoccurring orders.

1 - Click on the CRM tab and then look up the customers name.   Then click on the link for the customers name.

2 - Next you will click on the Order icon.

3 - The customers past order will appear.

4 - If an order appears in Yellow then the order is already scheduled as a reoccurring order.

5 - To schedule a New reoccurring order you will click on the Reoccurring Order icon.

6 - Once you click on the Reoccurring Order icon then a Pop Up Box will appear to choose the settings.

7 - Here is an explanation of all the settings:

     A - Repeats:  Choose how often you want the order to repeat


        Weekly: You will get an additional choice to choose the day you want the order to occur on.

          Monthly:  You will get an additional choice to choose the either the day of the month or the day of the week.

     B - Repeats every:   You can choose the number of days you want it to repeat

     C - Starts On:   When do you want the reoccurring orders to start reoccurring on

     D - Ends:  The date when you want the reoccurring 

                      After:   will stop the reoccurring orders after X number of times it reoccurs

                      On:   will show the date you want the order to stop reoccurring on

     E - Summary:   This will show you a summary of what you scheduled for the reoccurring order

8 - Click Save when done with the changes.   Do not leave this page till the changes have been saved.

9 - Once you have saved the changes the Original Order will have an Orange Reoccurring icon.  To make edits/changes to the settings you will just click on the Orange Reoccurring icon.  

10 - The Reoccurring Orders that were created will appear in Yellow.  Note the scheduled orders will have the Reoccurring Order icon blocked out.   You will not be able to make changes under those orders.  Only the Original Order.

11 - To view the Reoccurring Orders under the Calendar tab you will click on the Calendar tab.   All Reoccurring Orders will have an in front of the Order Name.

12 - In the Overview tab the Reoccurring Orders will have a R after the Order ID.

13 - Under the Overview tab and View All Orders the orders will appear in Yellow (like under the CRM tab).

You have now learned how to schedule a Reoccurring Order.