In this article we will be going over to how schedule a recurring order for your customer.   You can schedule the order to occur - daily, weekly, monthly or even customize it.

Here is a video that will show you how to schedule a reoccurring order.

Here are step by step instructions on how to configure the recurring orders.

1 - Click on the CRM tab and then look up the customer's name.   Then click on the link for the customer's name.

2 - Next, you will click on the Order icon.

3 - The customers past orders will appear.

4 - If an order appears in Red then the order is already scheduled as a reoccurring order.

5 - To schedule a new recurring order, you will click on the Recurring Order icon.

6 - Once you click on the Recurring Order icon, a Pop-Up Box will appear to choose the settings.

7 - Here is an explanation of all the settings:

     A - Repeats:  Choose how often you want the order to repeat


        Weekly: You will get an additional choice to choose the day you want the order to occur on.

          Monthly:  You will get an additional choice to choose the either the day of the month or the day of the week.

     B - Repeats every:   You can choose the number of days you want it to repeat.

     C - Starts On:   When do you want the recurring orders to start recurring on.

     D - Ends:  The date when you want the recurring orders to stop.

                      After:   will stop the recurring orders after X number of times it recurs

                      On:   will show the date you want the order to stop recurring on

     E - Summary:   This will show you a summary of what you scheduled for the recurring order

8 - Click Save when done with the changes.

A pop-up will show that the order sequence will be generated in the background and another pop-up will show letting you know it's been generated. 

9 - Once you have saved the changes, the Original Order will have an Orange Recurring icon.  

To make edits/changes to the settings you will just click on the Orange Recurring icon.  

10 - The Recurring Orders that were created will appear in Red.  

Note: The scheduled orders will have the Recurring Order icon blocked out.   You will not be able to make changes under those orders.  Only the Original Order.

11 - In the Overview tab, the Reoccurring Orders will have an R after the Order ID.

12 - Under the Overview tab and View All Orders the orders will appear in Yellow.

You have now learned how to schedule a Reoccurring Order.