In this article we will be going over how to apply an Electronic Contract to a quote. Note there is a different article to learn how to create an Electronic Contract. Note Electronic Contracts can only be applied to quotes and not orders.
Here is a video that will show you how to apply an electronic contract to a quote.
Here are step by step instructions on how to apply an electronic contract to a quote.
1 - Under the Order Entry tab once you are finished creating your quote you will choose the Create a Quote tab.
2 - A pop up box will appear for you to choose the Quote Cover sheet you want to send with the quote.
3 - Next it will ask you if you want to Customize the Quote Cover sheet.
4 - Next it will ask you if you want to Attach A Contract To This Quote. Click on the Yes tab.
5 - Once you choose Yes, then it will ask you which Contract you want to send. (To learn how to create a contract please see that article).
6 - Next it will ask you if you Consent To This Document Being Signed Electronically? Note this will only appear if the contract has been assigned to ask for a signature. If this does not appear then the contract, when created, did not have the setting to ask for a signature.
7 - Next it will ask you if you want to Customize the Contract before Sending.
If you choose yes the contract will appear that will allow you to make changes to the contract (remember to click SAVE when done):
8 - If you choose No to use the contract as is or once you are done with the changes and have clicked Save, the next box will be the Email Settings box.
9 - You will need to give the contract a Name. Note this is different then contract name assigned to the template. This name should be more specific. Note you can add additional information in the 2nd box.
10 - When done click Send. A pop up box will make sure this what you want to do by placing a quote and not an order. Then Electronic Contract will be emailed to the prospect.
11 - The next steps are what the Prospect who the Quote is for will do. Here is what the contract will look like in the email sent to the prospect.
12 - Then prospect can then Click on the Link to View and Sign the Contract.
13 - The PDF will show the Quote Cover sheet - the Contract - and the Quote. Please video for more details on this.
14 - When the prospect clicks on the contract the next page will appear letting them know they have been Requested by Your Company to Sign a Contract. The prospect will then click on Continue
15 - Once they click on Continue then the Quote Cover sheet - the Quote - and the Contract. At the top of the page there is an Arrow that will take them to where they need to Sign.
16 - Each section that needs to be Signed will appear when the click on the Arrow for Signing.
17 - To sign - the prospect will click inside the box and choose how they want to Sign.
18 - Once they click Use, the Initials/Signature will appear.
19 - Once completed with all signatures, the prospect will then click on the Save tab.
20 - A pop up box will appear to double check and make sure this is what they intended to do.
21 - A notice will then appear letting them know that they have Successfully signed the contract.
22 - The prospect will receive another email with the signed copy of the contract.
23 - These next steps are how you can see what the Prospect has done with the Contract that you sent. You can view the prospects progress under the CRM tab.
24 - Search for the Clients name and then select the Client
25 - Click the Contract icon.
26 - The Contract information will appear.
27 - When you click on the View/Edit icon then a box will appear with the details.
28 - At the top, you will see an Action column that will show: Created by the employee - Opened by the prospect - Viewed by the Prospect - Signed by the prospect information.
29 - The bottom half will be the Quote Cover sheet - the Contract - and the Quote that was sent to the prospect.
30 - Note that you can Resend the Contract or Print a PDF of the Audit Report for the contract
You have now learned how to apply an Electronic Contract to a Quote.