In this article we will be going over how to change the field layout for your Order Entry tab and the Checkout tab the customer will see.
Here is a video showing you how to change the layout for your Order Entry tab and Customer Checkout layout.
Here are step by step instructions on how to change the layout for your Order Entry tab and Customer Checkout layout.
1 - Click on the Admin tab.
2 - Scroll down to the Global Settings section - click on the Ticket Settings bubble - click on the Configure your Ticket/ Order Layout Settings link
3 - Scroll down to the second section called Order Entry Layout
4 - The default layout will appear. Any custom fields that you have created will appear as well.
5 - Hover your mouse over any field that you want to move and you can then click and drag the field (see video above).
6 - The next section is the Customer Order Layout section
7 - The default layout will appear.
8 - To create a custom field that you want the customer to have to fill out you will click on the Add A Title or Text link.
9 - Then a pop up box will appear and you can choose if you want to create a Title or a Text. Title will appear in bold and text with appear in normal font.
10 - You can create titles or text for notes that you want to add for the customer to see. Then you can hover your mouse over any field that you want to move and you can then click and drag the field (see video above).
You have now learned how to change the layout for the Order Entry tab and the Customer Check Out View. You have also learned how to add a Title or Text to the customer checkout view as well.