In this article we will go over how to apply a loyalty certificate to an order the loyalty member has placed.  Please note that the Loyalty Certificate Payment option must be turned on to use this form of payment (see Payment Options article).

1 - When under the Order Entry tab look for the Payment Method type drop down box.

2 - Click on the Drop Down box and then select Add Loyalty Certificate

3 - A box will appear where you will be able to add the Loyalty Certificate Code (Certificate #).

4 - Once you place the order the Order Details Page will show that Loyalty Payment applied and if there is a balance left for the customer to pay.

5 - To review the payment please look up the invoice for the order.  Use the Choose Function Drop Down box and select View Invoice.

6 - Then you will see that the Loyalty Certificate was applied and what the remaining balance is.

You have now learned how to apply the Loyalty Certificates as a payment for an order.