This article will go over how to undo an import or how to recover a recently deleted contact.

1 - Click on the CRM tab and then click on the icon Recently Imported and Deleted Contacts

2. Once you click on the Recently Imported and Deleted Contacts icon, the page below will appear.   From here, you can use the Undo icon.  If you accidentally deleted a contact and want to restore it to your CRM tab, use the Undo icon and the name will be restored.  If you imported an Excel or CSV file but the import did import correctly, you can Undo the import as well.

3. Once you click on the Undo icon then the client will be restored or the import will be removed.  A pop up box will appear letting you know the Undo was successful.  Click on OK.

4.   The name or import will no longer appear in the list of deleted or imported contacts.

You have now learned how to use the Recently Imported or Deleted Contacts icon.  Make sure refresh your internet once the changes have been made.