This article will go over how to add a new location to your CaterZen account.

Please note that adding a new location will increase your monthly fee. Your monthly fee is calculated per location. So if you are paying $349.00 per location and you add a second location then you will be billed $698 for both locations.

We encourage you to fill out this form -  

Once we have the form you submitted, we will enter it for you. This will ensure that your location is set up correctly. 

Please remember to include your account id (found at the top right of your CaterZen software in the blue box) to make sure the new location is added to the correct account.

Under Company, please add: Restaurant Name (Existing Account) then include how you want the location to be labeled. See the example below:

If you have any questions, please call 615-831-1676 or email [email protected].