In this article we will go over what a custom order type is and how to create a custom order type.

By default CaterZen has 3 Base Types of orders:  Dine In, Delivery and Pick Up.   These are the standard order types.   You can create custom order types that fall under these base types of orders.   Please note you do not have to have the base type order turned on to create a custom order type.   So for example if you create a custom order type called Full Service Catering to fall under the Delivery base type this does not mean that delivery has to appear as a order type in the Order Entry page.

Below is a video that will show you how to create a custom order type:

Below are step by step instructions on how to create a custom order type:

1 - Admin tab and look for the Global Settings section and then click on the Custom Order Type bubble.

2 - Next you will see 2 links appear:  Create A Custom Order Type and Existing Custom Order Types

3 - First we will start with the Create A Custom Order Type link.

4 - You will then fill out the:

A - Display Name the name of the Custom Order type

B - Base Type (Dine In, Pick Up, Delivery) 

C - Check off that it is Active 

D - Choose the colors you want it to appear in the calendar 

E - Check off Service Fee if you need a fee for that Order Type.  Note the service fee can be in a $ or % amount.

Apply tax to service fee if you need to tax the fee. 

F - You can also add a Customized Checkout Field.  This will be a field that you want to add when the customer is checking out.   Room Number, leave at door, etc.   You can require this field to filled out by the customer as well.  

After filling out, don't forget to click on Save.

5 - You have now created a Custom Order Type.

6 - To review your Custom Order Types click on the Existing Custom Order Types link.

7 - You will now see a list of all the Custom Order Types you have created.   You can look to see the Custom Order types Base Type (Delivery, Pick Up, Dine In) - if it is Active (means the client will see this choice as an order type) - and if you need to Edit or Delete the Custom Order Type.

8 - Once you create the Custom Order Type you can then go under the Order Entry tab and see the choices you and the customer have for Order Types.

You have now either created a Custom Order Type or edited a Custom Order Type.