At some point you will want to add an employees into the CaterZen System. This article will show you how to do that and set permission levels.

1. Click on the ADMIN tab and click on the MANAGE SALES REPS/EMPLOYEES bubble.    You will then see a link called Manage Sales Reps/ Employees

2. Click on the ADD A NEW SALES REP/EMPLOYEE button.

3. A form will appear for you to enter all of the relevant information and permissions for an employee. 

4. Description of Fields:

Display Name: This is usually the person's first and last name. What you enter here will show up on the screen, when the employee logs in. It will also show up on tickets as the person who created the order.

User Name: The user name is used to log into the CaterZen Software. It is usually the person's first and last name with no spaces. It can be anything that the employee can easily remember. I would use the same user name rule for all employees. like first initial last name, first name last name, etc.

Account Password: Assign a password for the employee to use when logging into CaterZen Software. Ask the employee to come up with their own password, so they won't forget it.

Email Address:  Enter the employees work email address.

Telephone: Enter the employees phone number.

Mobile Phone: Enter the employees cell phone number.

Sales Commission Rate: This is the percentage rate you pay this employee, if they are a commission able sales rep. It must be entered as a percentage.

Permissions: Please read this carefully and only select the permission levels you want the employee to have access to.

Send Email From Employee: As a default, CaterZen sends out emails from the systems (orders, invoices, proposals) coming from the default email address used in setting up your account. When you check this box, any orders, invoices or quotes an employee sends while logged in with their credentials will show up to the recipient as the employees email address. This helps when a customer hits reply to an item sent to them. The reply will go directly to the employee's in box.  

5. Once this form is completed, click on the SAVE THIS INFORMATION button.

6.  If an employee appears in YELLOW then this employee has been marked to have ADMIN PERMISSION.