In this article we will go over how to view task that have been assigned to a client in the CRM tab.

Here is a video on how to view task that have been assigned to a client in the CRM tab. 

Coming Soon

Here are step by step instructions on how to view task that have been assigned to a client in the CRM tab. 

 1 - Click the CRM tab and the CRM link

2 - Locate the customer that you want to look up a task for under the Search Bar.

3 - Click on the Task icon.

4 - All of the Task that have been created for client will appear under the Task icon.

5 - You can see the Type of task

6 - You can see the Due Date of the task

7 - You can see the Details for the task

8 - You can see if the Task has been Completed or Still Need To Do.

9 - You can Edit the Task.  You can adjust any of the details of the Task under the Edit icon.

10 - You can add a Note to the Task.

11 - You can Delete the Task.

You have now learned how to view task that have been assigned to a client in the CRM tab.