In this article we will go over how to create a new task for a client in your CRM tab.  Task can be Emails, Calls or To-dos.

Here is a video of how to create a task for a contact in the CRM tab.

video coming soon

Here are step by step instructions of how to create a task for a contact in the CRM tab.

1 - Click the CRM tab and choose the CRM link

2 - Locate the customer that you want to create the Task for in the Search bar

3 - Click the Task Icon

4 - The Task pop up box will appear and You will see any previous Task that have already been created.  

5 - Click on the Create a Task for..... (client's name)

6 - The pop up box for Create Tasks for ...... will appear.  Next you will fill in the information for the task.

7 - Subject Line:  Here is where you will give the Task a Subject Line.   If you are an Admin you can create a subject line on the fly.  If you are an Employee you will be able to select from the pre-defined list.  This will allow you to standardize your subject lines for all employees.


        A - Note the Admin can add a Subject Line on the fly

8 - Type:  Here is where you will select the Type of Task you want to assign.  Todo, Call, or Email

9 - Assigned to:  By default the user that is logged in will have their name appear in the Assigned to  dropdown box.  But you can change who the task needs to be assigned too.  You can also choose to not assign it to an Employee and assign it to the CRM Task Groups.

        A - Groups:  To assign to a CRM Task Group you will first need to select No Employee Selected under the Assigned to dropdown box.   Then you will choose the CRM Task Group you want to assign too. 

       B - Note you can assign to both - an Employee and a CRM Task Group

10 - Due Date:  You can choose your Due Date from the default choices or create a custom due date.  You can also choose the time of day you want the task to be completed.

11 - Reminders:  You can choose a Reminder for the Task from the default choices or create a custom reminder date.  You can also choose the time of day you want the Reminder to be completed. 

12 - Additional Details:  This can be any additional details you want to add to the task.

13 - When you are done creating the task please click the Create Task tab to save.

14 - Once your task has been created you will be back under the CRM Task tab for the client.

You have now learned how to create a task for client in your CRM tab.