In this article we will go over the each payment type that appears under the Payment On Sales date range found on the right side of the Sales Journal.  Please note that you have two columns:

1 - Payments on sales from date range

2 - Payments on sales from before date range

Below are step by step instructions of the payment type found in the Sales Journal.

1. Click on the Accounting tab and then the Sales Journal Report link 

2 - Next choose the Date Range - the Location - and then press Apply Filters 

3 - Your report will than appear below. 

4 - To the right of the report you will find the Payments on Sales from date range (please note this is just an example; does not show all options)

A - Credit Card - this is for an order that paid with Credit Card, the order is within the date range selected, and the payment was received and settled during the date range

B - House Account / Accounts Receivable - this is for an order that is within the date range and the payment type for the order is selected as House Account

C - Overpayments - this is when a client overpays for any order (any payment type) within the date range.   Typically this shows if the client adds an additional tip to the order and needs to be charged the additional amount.

D - Deposits Applied - this is when a payment for an order was processed before the date of the order.   Then once the order date has occurred the system will automatically apply the deposit as a payment.  This can be for any order type.  The order will be within the date range selected.

E - Invoice:  Outstanding / Unpaid - this is for any order that is within the date range selected that has not received any type of payment.   This will typically on appear when the date range is in the future.  Another example of this payment type is when a catering client says they will pay the driver with a check, but the check is not cut or the driver does not bring it back the same day to record the payment, it is represented as an Outstanding/Unpaid Invoice. This is basically an accounts receivable/house charge by default since the client either is not set up to pay by house charge or house charge was not selected as a payment type. 

F - Refunds - this is will show any refund that was issued for the date range selected.

G - Invoice:  PrePaid - this is a payment that was accepted during the date range but the order is has not occurred yet.  So this would appear as a deposit in the accounting tab and would automatically be applied as a payment the date of the order.

H - Custom Payment Type - this is any custom payment that you have created in your settings.   This will show the type of payment for the date range selected.   An example would be DoorDash Payment

5 - To the right of the report you will also find the Payments on Sales from Before date range

H - Credit Card - this is a payment that was made by credit card on the date range that is selected but the date of the order does not fall under the date range selected.