In this report we will go over how to find and use your Sales Tax Report.   This report will show you the sales tax that you owe for a specific date range.

Below is a video that will show you how to access your Sales Tax Report:

Below are step by step instructions on how to access your Sales Tax Report:

1 - Click on the Accounting tab

2 -  Click on the Sales Tax Report link

3 - Choose your Date Range

4 - Choose your Location

5 - If you want to see the Sales Tax Report by Agencies then check this box off

6 - Click on Apply Filters tab

7 - The Report will then show

8 - Note that under each tab you can click on the dollar amount and the column will expand.   Once expanded you can see all the orders for the date range chosen and the amount for the Sales Tax for each order as well.

9 - Note you can Print - Download - send to Excel - Email this report

You have now learned how to access your Sales Tax Report.