This article will go over how to create a kitchen production report for a date range.   This report will allow you to view more than one order at a time under the kitchen production report.  If you just want to see the kitchen production report for a specific order, you will want to go to the order and use the Choose a Function dropdown box.  Remember this report cannot be produced unless you have set up your formulas.   

To learn how to create your formulas please schedule a session here:

1 - Click on the More tab and then the Reports tab

2 - Click on the Kitchen & Production Reports tab

3 - Click on the Kitchen Production Report link

4 - The next screen you will see will allow you to make the Choices you want to see in your report

5 - Explanation for the Report Parameters:

    A - Select your Date Range

    B - Check off the box if you want to Show your Inventory Items (your inventory list will need to be created)

    C - By default the Hide Total line for Individuals Orders will be Checked.   If you want to the see the total for each order you will want to Uncheck this box.

    D - If you do not want the modifiers (choices from the drop down box) to appear you will check this box off

    E - If a menu item is not assigned to a station and you do not want it to appear check this box off

    F - If you want the Kitchen Ready Time to appear in yellow check this box off

    G - You can choose how you want the report to Sort the formulas by.   Serve Time is the default

    H -  If you are wanting to only see a specific station for the report you can choose that station in this drop down box.  By default All Stations will appear

    I - If you have more than one location you can see the report for a specific location or all locations.

    J - You can choose to have the report as HTML, Excel, PDF or Just Excel Formatted

6 - Once you have made your choices click on the Generate Report tab

7 - Your Report will then appear

8 - At the top you can Return to the Report page - Modify the report you just pulled up - Print the report - Download the report as a PDF - see the report in Excel - Email the report.

9 - You will notice each order will appear with the specific information for that order throughout the report.

10 - The menu items will appear next.   The number of menu items will appear in bold.  The drop choices the customer chose will appear with the formulas in the middle and the station the menu item needs to be prepped in to the right.  Any additional formulas that were created will appear as well.

11 - To the bottom of the report the total for ALL the Menu Prep Items for Every order will appear in Red

12 -  To the bottom of the report the total for ALL the Menu Items for Every order will appear in Green

You have now learned how to view a Kitchen Production Report.