This bubble is mainly used by the staff here at CaterZen.  But if you wanted to access the just a specific area found under the Menu Manager you can do so by clicking this bubble.  We recommend you looking at the articles specifically designed to help you with Menus, Categories, Menu Items and Menu Item Add Ons versus using this bubble.

Below is a video showing you how to use your Manager Etc Bubble:

Below are step by step instructions with screen shots on how to use your Manager Etc Bubble:

1 - Click on the Admin tab

2 - Look for the Menu section - then click on the Manager Etc. bubble.   Next you will see 4 links appear.

3 - Clicking on the Menu Names link will take you to a list of all the Menus you have in your CaterZen account.   Can choose to Edit the Menus, Delete the Menus, Add a New Menu or Change the order the Menus appear in.

4 - Clicking on the Menu Categories link will take you to a list of all the Categories you have in your CaterZen account. Can choose to Edit the Categories, Delete the Categories, Add a New Category or Change the order the Categories appear in.

5 - Clicking on the Menu Items link will take you to a list of all the Menus Items you have in your CaterZen account.   Can choose to Edit the Menu Items, Delete the Menus Items, Add a New Menu Item, Status (hidden or view able but the customer) of the Menu Item, see how many times the Menu Item has been ordered, Edit the Price Name or even Edit the Pricing.

6 - Clicking on the Menu Item Add Ons link will take you to a list of all the Menu Item Add Ons you have in your CaterZen account.   Can choose to Edit the Menu Item Add Ons, Delete the Menu Item Add Ons, look and see what Type of Menu Item Add Ons, assign a Menu Item Add On to a group or assign a Menu Item Add On to a Menu ITem.

7 - Clicking on the Duplicate Menu Items link will allow you to duplicate Menu Items. This will create a new menu item with the same properties as the items you choose to duplicate. All Settings, prices, images, categories, add-ons will be copied to the new item.