In order to get the most from the Delivery Module, you will want to set up all of your drivers into the system.

Here is a video that will show you how to Add a New Delivery Driver:

Here are step by step instructions on how to Add a New Delivery Driver:

1. Go to the ADMIN tab and click on the link bubble called Manage Sales Reps/Employees and then click on the Manage Employees link.

2. Click on the blue button entitled: Add A New Sales Rep/Employee.

3. You will then begin to fill out the fields at the top half of the form. They are:

Display Name: This is the person's name as they want it to appear on the interface and reports. It is usually the person's first and last name.

User Name: This is their log in user name to get into the driver's interface on their smart phone. We recommend making it their first and last name, all lower case, with no spaces. By keeping it consistent for all drivers, it is easy to remind people who forget their log in credentials.

Account Password: This can be anything, but for consistency, you may come up with a formula you use for everyone's password like last name and the last 4 digits of their phone number; one word all lower case. Example: jones0987. 

By keeping it consistent for all drivers, it is easy to remind people who forget their log in credentials.

Verify Password: Re-enter password to make sure you have the correct password.

Email Address: Enter the email address of the driver.

Telephone: You can put in the phone number of your business. You must have both phone fields filled out.

Mobile Phone: Enter the driver's mobile phone number.

4. Work your way down the page and complete the other sections:

Photo: Click on the "Choose File" button and upload a pic of the driver. You will want to do this for each driver, as the emails sent to your catering clients from the driver include their picture.

Permissions: The only two you must check off are the "Is permitted to login" and the "Is Delivery Driver"

Send Email From Employee: This allows emails going to catering clients to have the driver's email as the from email. We recommend checking this setting.

You will then want to click on the blue "Save This Information" button to finish creating the driver.